How Go Healthcare Inc. In Palm Desert Can Help Back Pain

How Go Healthcare Inc. In Palm Desert Can Help Back Pain

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When back pain takes hold of your body, it’s tough to enjoy doing things that would be considered normal in your life. The definition of normal can change quickly when Back pain peaks into the picture. A lot of people convince themselves to deal with it and soon sacrifice what they love because of this mentality. BACK PAIN IS NOT NORMAL! There is a cause and effect to everything and your body didn’t decide one day to start hurting for no reason. Even if there is some incident you remember that may have caused your back pain in Palm Desert, there is sometimes something structurally that happens triggering the pain felt by the nerves.

What Causes Back Pain in Palm Desert CA?

There very well may be instances of bodily trauma that you can remember that has caused the back pain you’re feeling. However, what about if back pain randomly hits your life. That can leave you feeling confused and discouraged. In both known or unknown causes of back pain there is a reason for why! Many times back pain is a result of misalignments in your spine. The body has a position it naturally needs to be in for it to not cause issues. When it is knocked out of its normal state it can cause pain! Sometimes it can be years before a patient feels the full extent of the damage done to the back. It can stay almost hibernated for a while until something as simple as picking up a piece of lint off the ground triggers it (Real instance that a patient has experienced in our office!)

Current Medical Remedies for Back Pain

When a person that is experiencing back pain goes to their doctor to get a diagnosis, it is sometimes disappointing. People are frequently prescribed Anti-Inflammatories, or pain medication that covers up what's really happening in the back. If the pain is severe, an epidural or cortisone might be used to help the affected region (which could last between a couple days to a few months of temporary relief). Everything in your body goes through a cause and effect timeline. If you are feeling the effect of Back pain, there is a cause for it. Your body doesn’t wake up one morning and decide to just start hurting. With that said, just treating the pain and not the root of the issue is like chopping the leaves off a weed….It will eventually grow back, sometimes bigger.

How Go Healthcare Inc. Helps Back Pain that’s different

At GoHealthcare Inc. in Palm Desert, we will be providing you a full assessment and evaluation for any issues that may be causing your Back Pain. After a review of the assessment, the doctor will be providing his recommendations for treating not only the symptom of back pain but also the underlying causes for that individual's problem. Often that may include Chiropractic adjustments along with necessary therapies, nutrition guidelines, vitamins and supplements that are provided at the office. If there are any other triggers of a patient’s back pain, the doctor may give suggestions in order to minimize the effect of those. There will most likely be a set of recommended exercises as well, that will help the patient work on the issue when not in office to speed up patient wellness.


9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm

9:00am - 12:30pm

9:00am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 5:30pm

2:30pm - 5:30pm

9:00am - 12:30pm


Go Healthcare

72880 Fred Waring Drive Suite D18
Palm Desert, CA 92260

(760) 346-4698